War in East Asia

August 21, 2023

Speaker: Jonathan Shen


East Asia- Refresher

August 11, 2023

Annual Student Conference of SRIS-FEFU

End of an Era in World Politics?

April 28, 2023, 1700 VLAT / 1230 IST

green grass field near body of water during daytime
green grass field near body of water during daytime


FEFU's Oriental Institute - School of Regional and International Studies

Pacific Students' Club

Institute of World Affairs & Security(IWAS)


Economic Relations in East Asia & Role of China in East Asian Social Development

Speaker: Dr Aveivey

April 3, 2023


East Asia - An Introduction

March 20, 2023

Yezidis((Ezidis) of Iraq through Conflict and Persecution

Date: 12 December 2022

Venue: Tetso College


Farhad Barakat is from Sinjar. He is an Ezidi, minority rights - peace activist and a co-founder of two nongovernmental organizations in Sinjar: 'Progress in Peace' and 'Snabel Future organization'. He serves as the Area coordinator of 'Progress in Peace' organization in Sinjar. He is a graduate from the translation department of the College of Kurdish, Arabic, English and French languages at the University of Duhok, Kurdistan, Iraq.


Date: 14 October 2022

Time: 11:00 am (India). Earlier schedule 10:00 am

Venue: Tetso College


Dr Salvatore Babones is a sociologist and associate professor at University of Sydney. He described the existing economic geography and provided a comparative analysis.


Date: 26 September, 2022

Time: 2:30 PM (India)

Venue: Department of East Asian Studies, University of Delhi

*exclusive event with restricted entry

Speaker: Ms Sonoko Watanabe, Managing Director and Regional CEO, Nikkei Group Asia.

Coming Soon

Chinese Society & Economy, today


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Past Events

India, China & Russia

in the new Geopolitical context (or contest?)

The School of Regional and International Studies (SRIS), Far Eastern Federal University, Russia and IWAS Institute for World Affairs & Security foundation, India are organizing a talk on India, China & Russia in the new Geopolitical context on June 29, 2023 at 2:30 pm(Indian Standard Time)

Dr Ravni Thakur

Dr. Ravni Thakur is among the foremost Sinologists in India. She is the Head of the Department at the Department of East Asian Studies, University of Delhi. She has an M.A. in Development Studies from the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague and a Ph.D. from the Sinology Institute, University of Leiden, The Netherlands. She also studied at the Beijing Language Institute and Beijing University from 1982–1984. She taught for two years at the Institut Nationale des Langues et Civilizations Orientales in Paris (1992–1994). After her return to India, she was Professor for Chinese studies at the Jamia Millia Islamia, University New Delhi and Senior Fellow at the Delhi Policy Group. She has participated actively in the BRICS countries Academic Forum and been a research scholar at the BRICS Policy Research Institute, Rio de Janeiro. Her research articles are available on the net. Her recent books include: China under Xi Jinping: Critical Essays on Key Issues (2020), New Delhi: Gyan Publishers and Across the Himalayan Gap II: A Chinese Quest for Understanding China, edited with Tan Chung and Zhang Minqiu, New Delhi: Konark Publisher, 2013.

Lt Gen Syed Ata Hasnain (Retd)

Gen Hasnain has had a 40 year illustrious career in turbulent environments and hot spots across India's borders and beyond. He has participated in UN operations from Mozambique to Rwanda. He has commanded the Srinagar based 15 Corps and is among the foremost scholar-warriors of India. He holds a PhD from the King's College London. He is on the Governing Council of the Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) and Institute of Peace & Conflict Studies (IPCS). Gen Hasnain has six decorations awarded by the President for India and two by the Army Chief. In 2018 The President of India appointed Lt Gen Hasnain as Chancellor of the Central University of Kashmir. He is a member of the National Disaster Management Authority.


Dr Andrei Kozinets

Due to change of schedule of events Dr Kozinets wouldn't be able to attend. We hope to bring our audiences a future event with Dr Kozinets. Dr Andrei Kozinets is Associate Professor at the Department of International Relations in the Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science. He has written for East Asia Forum, and The Diplomat. He has been the President of The Vladivostok Club and associated with MUNRFE. Some of his research interests include but are not limited to Non-Western International Relations Theories with a focus on Chinese and Indian schools of IR.

Dr Artyom Lukin

Dr Artyom Lukin is Deputy Director for Research at the School of Regional and International Studies, Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Russia). He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science and is also Associate Professor at the Department of International Relations. He has authored numerous chapters and papers in Russian and English on Asia-Pacific international politics and Russia's engagement with Asia.

Dr Aveivey D

Dr Aveivey D teaches at the University of Delhi. She received her PhD from CEAS, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi. She has completed Masters and M.Phil from University of Delhi. She was a Research Fellow at the India China Institute, The New School University, New York under a Ford Foundation Fellowship. She has a background in sociology and international studies.


Ms Anastasia Bezotosova

Special thanks to Ms Anastasia Bezotosova of Far Eastern Federal University for the arrangements and efforts to enable this event. She is an undergraduate student of International Relations at Far Eastern Federal University.

Organising Staff:

Dr. Andrey Gubin

Dr. Andrey Gubin is an Associate Professor at the Department of International Relations at Far Eastern Federal University(FEFU), Vladivostok. He holds Ph.D. in Political Science.

His professional and research interests include but are not limited to: National Security Issues; International Military Cooperation; WMD Non-Proliferation; Local and Regional Conflicts; Russian Far East Development; Russian Foreign Policy in the Asia-Pacific.

Mr Danil Vinokurov

A young scholar, Mr Danil Vinokurov, is an Undergraduate Student of International Relations at Institute of Oriental Studies-School of Regional and International Studies, Far Eastern Federal University, 

Trinh Quoc Vinh.

Trinh Quoc Vinh has professional experience in the field of diplomacy and is a postgraduate student at Institute of Oriental Studies-School of Regional and International Studies, FEFU. He is a member of the trade delegation of Vietnam, a former assistant of the Consul General of Vietnam in Vladivostok, and former employee of the Embassy of Vietnam in Russia.


Held on 24 March 2022 at Tetso College

The event was held in collaboration with Tetso College, India with Samuel Halton as the keynote speaker



Held on 12 March 2022 at Tetso College

The event was held in collaboration with Tetso College, India with Col(Res.) Miri Eisin as the keynote speaker. Miri has served in the intelligence in IDF and was spokesperson to Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Olmert.

She teaches at Reichmann University, Herzliya and is a part of several think tanks. She is a founder of the Taub Center