Institute for World Affairs & Security
World changes at different rates at different times. Different geographies and different segments react differently.
The Outcomes are different for different actors but the theoretical tools to analyze are more limited
Projects we are focusing on
Peter M. Swartz Center for Naval Studies
China Center
To understand the politics of Maritime affairs and Naval Warfare. Most of the waters are global commons and who is powerful at sea is less dependent on physical structures and more on physics of Ships, Sensors and Weapons
A state that matters so much to the world and is determined to change many of the aspects of world politics that we take for granted.
China is on its way to be the largest economy in the world. Will it also be a power in other spheres?
Read more...Themes and Areas
Azar Gat War, Assessment & Research Center (Azar Gat WAR Center)
Gulf Levant Center
War as a social and political reality has and will affect humans, states and organizations. A better understanding would help mitigate the risks and catastrophes.
Actors with better understanding would be able to act better
For a better understanding of the Middle-East and the everchanging interactions and relations within the region.
The Gulf and Levant have been crucial in world history and their interaction with the near abroad and the world have determined the course of recent history
International Finance and Business (IFB)
Africa & World Center
Africa, a continent of a Billion humans is one of the fastest growing regions in terms of economy, new ideas, businesses and population. It's also seen as the place to be in for the next round of major growth.
From the continent where human history started, we shall understand where we are destined to move towards.
The world is one economy, today. A slide in markets in one geography leads to a cascade reaching several others.
Regulators have been on the move. So have markets, technology, actors and investment and sovereign wealth funds